Tag Archives: waffles

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Protein Waffles

Waffles, or good old “pancakes with abs” as I like to refer to them, have made a delicious return to my breakfasts over the past few weeks. About two or three months ago, I noticed the new Quest protein powders popping up at my favorite HEB here in Austin. As soon as the Peanut Butter flavor caught my eye, I knew I wasn’t leaving the store without buying at least 2 canisters of it. (No shame.)

The Quest protein powders are basically manufactured to be cooked/baked with, which is one of the main reasons I absolutely love them. I’ve done a few tests over the last few months, and regardless of what I’m making — be it my banana muffins, baked oatmeal, proats, or these waffles — using the Quest powder always results in a better final product than any other protein I’ve tried in the past. (I’m still faithful to my GNC Wheybolic as a pre-/post-workout shake, though!) Continue reading 4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Protein Waffles

Cor-Fetti Waffles + Meal Preppin’ for the Masses

I basically conquered my personal “Mt. Everest of Meal Prep” last weekend. You guys know I’m really diligent about prepping mine and Ryan’s food for the week every single weekend — it’s a ritual for me, and I have it down to an absolute science — so I decided to break out of my comfort zone and cook for a few more friends last weekend. I ended up meal prepping for 8 people all at one time on Sunday. Check out my cart at Costco:20140319-162144.jpg

And that was less than half of what I cooked. I still had to make an HEB run after Costco, and that cart was even more packed to the brim. Continue reading Cor-Fetti Waffles + Meal Preppin’ for the Masses

Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Waffles

Last week, I got asked to post more breakfast recipes. (Timely request considering that I’d just made the most DELICIOUS protein waffles in history.) So, you guys get back-to-back pumpkin recipes before Thanksgiving! This is what happens when I get asked to make and/or post specific things. I get a little too excited and tend to write more during my lunch hour at work. Continue reading Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Waffles