Tag Archives: stuffed sweet potato

Savory Stuffed Sweet Potatoes

Hellooooo, new dinner recipe! I feel like all I’ve been posting lately are either dessert recipes or things from muffin tins, so I’m breaking that pattern this week. I haven’t expressed my obsession with sweet potatoes enough through my blog posts, but we have a serious love affair. Fries, chips, tots, desserts, dinner rolls, caramelized, baked, stuffed — you name it, I can do it with a sweet potato. The funny part is that I absolutely despised these things as a child, and had I not started worrying about complex and low-GI carbohydrates last year, I probably still wouldn’t be familiar with the glory of the sweet potato. If you think you don’t like them, get over it, buy a big one from the grocery store, and try this recipe. Continue reading Savory Stuffed Sweet Potatoes