Tag Archives: peanut butter

Healthy(-ish) “Cookie-Faux” Peanut Butter Cups

Another ambitious recipe from Sunday. Can you tell I was a little bored? I came across several homemade “clean Reese’s” recipes on Pinterest last week. They looked so friggin’ good, and I really just wanted to go to the store and buy about 15 packages of Reese’s cups, but I decided to see if I could make my own instead. I bought a mini-muffin tin with a slew of mini-muffin paper cups last week, and I was itching to use them. (“Mini” might as well mean “extra cute” in my opinion. Plus, it’s instant portion control. Win-win.) Continue reading Healthy(-ish) “Cookie-Faux” Peanut Butter Cups

Chocolate-PB Protein Pancakes

I have a problem with Sunday mornings and the chocolate/PB flavor combo. I always wake up wanting a giant stack of pancakes covered in butter and syrup, eggs, and hash browns, which would undo all of the hard work that I put in during my workouts from Monday-Saturday. Yesterday morning, I woke up with a similar craving.Thankfully, the Open Championship was on TV and Ryan wasn’t about to leave the apartment to go somewhere that wouldn’t have golf on, so I was forced into coming up with Option B. Continue reading Chocolate-PB Protein Pancakes