Tag Archives: peanut butter

4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Protein Waffles

Waffles, or good old “pancakes with abs” as I like to refer to them, have made a delicious return to my breakfasts over the past few weeks. About two or three months ago, I noticed the new Quest protein powders popping up at my favorite HEB here in Austin. As soon as the Peanut Butter flavor caught my eye, I knew I wasn’t leaving the store without buying at least 2 canisters of it. (No shame.)

The Quest protein powders are basically manufactured to be cooked/baked with, which is one of the main reasons I absolutely love them. I’ve done a few tests over the last few months, and regardless of what I’m making — be it my banana muffins, baked oatmeal, proats, or these waffles — using the Quest powder always results in a better final product than any other protein I’ve tried in the past. (I’m still faithful to my GNC Wheybolic as a pre-/post-workout shake, though!) Continue reading 4-Ingredient Peanut Butter Protein Waffles

Cinnamon Peanut Butter Overnight Proats (Protein Oats)

Happy almost Hump Day! Hope everyone survived the Super Bowl and all of the madness that went along with the game. Personally, I ate a bunch of chips, queso, cookie cake, wings, and a slider or two and played lots of Cards Against Humanity because the game wasn’t even worth watching. My body is STILL trying to recover from the fact that I stuffed so much crap into it on Sunday — I literally woke up drenched in sweat last night and was really sluggish yesterday — but I’m starting to feel better. It’s crazy how my body reacts to low-quality food these days, but it just gives me even more reason to make healthy choices in what I eat, so I’m NOT complaining at all. :o)

In honor of high-carb day (Tuesdays and Thursdays are leg day for me, and I’ve been doubling up on my workouts for the past couple of weeks), I’ve decided to post what might be my new favorite breakfast item. If you guys haven’t tried overnight oats, your life is not complete. You assemble everything the night before, throw them in your fridge overnight, and breakfast is ready to go when you wake up and grab a spoon in the morning. Continue reading Cinnamon Peanut Butter Overnight Proats (Protein Oats)

Clean Peanut Butter Blondies + Have Yourself A Merry Little Fit-mas *GIVEAWAY*

I tend to have my favorite ideas during one of two very different parts of the day. They always seem to either hit while I’m walking my dog early in the morning or at 10pm when I should be getting ready for bed. As it turns out, I’m 2 for 2 in the last 24 hours. One grand idea: Clean Peanut Butter Blondies. The other: free stuff for YOU! ‘Tis the season for baking and giving gifts, right? Continue reading Clean Peanut Butter Blondies + Have Yourself A Merry Little Fit-mas *GIVEAWAY*

Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

YOU GUYS. I did it. I made the easiest, healthiest, tastiest clean dessert in the world. If you like peanut butter and banana (like any sane person should, in my opinion) and have a blender or food processor in your kitchen, you need to try this TODAY.
Continue reading Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

4 Favorite Fitness Apps/Gadgets + Reese’s FroYo Bites

Time for some tech talk (followed by a DELICIOUS dessert recipe). I get the “What have you been doing?” and “What have you changed?” questions on a daily basis — 3x at work yesterday afternoon alone — and I’m trying to pay more attention to the little habits that I’ve built in the last few months so that I can give a legit answer. I’d never noticed it before, but technology has played a huge part in keeping me on track to getting healthier. Continue reading 4 Favorite Fitness Apps/Gadgets + Reese’s FroYo Bites