Tag Archives: mexican

Healthy Chicken Enchilada Bites

Happy almost weekend, everyone! I’ve got the perfect addition for your list of lunches or dinners next week. If you’ve already planned your meals out and built a shopping list, scratch out the meal that you were least excited about and replace it with this simple recipe. Seriously.

Yes, it’s Mexican food. Yes, it’s delicious. And YES, they’re surprisingly healthy. Continue reading Healthy Chicken Enchilada Bites

Fiesta Ranch Turkey Burrito

Happy Mexican Monday, everyone! Do you know what you’re having for dinner tonight? If you haven’t thought that far ahead yet, this burrito is quick and simple to put together, and it packs a TON of flavor.

I’ve been on an Asian kick for the last few weeks, but as of Saturday, my taste buds have been all about that Mexican fare. Brace yourself for a slew of south-of-the-border recipes throughout the next couple of posts. (Teaser alert: I made Healthy Chicken Enchilada Bites for meal prep yesterday. Pending a positive review from my expert taste tester — AKA Ryan who has them packed in his trusty Six Pack lunchbox today — I’ll be posting the recipe soon!)

This dish came about as a result of me cooking too much ground turkey and buying too many Ezekiel tortillas. (Typical.) It’s pretty basic, easy to put together, and while it’s not the most creative thing I’ve ever made, the flavor combinations make this an unexpected favorite of mine. Continue reading Fiesta Ranch Turkey Burrito

Turkey Ezekiel Tostada

Confession time! I meant to post this recipe on Monday to kick off “Mexican Mondays” this week, but life happens and I’m two days late to the party. (Those of you who know me well will understand that I’m just operating on typical “Mackenzie Time” — some things never change.) Can we just pretend it’s Monday for the duration of this blog post? Okay, GREAT.

Continue reading Turkey Ezekiel Tostada

Healthier Chicken Enchiladas and Mexican Cauliflower “Rice”

You guys are in luck. I’ve got not just one — but 2 (TWO!) recipes for today’s post. AND, THEY’RE BOTH MEXICAN FOOD. I’m really trying to make this long, dreary Monday a little more bearable for everyone. :o) Sunday night dinner this week was Chicken Enchiladas and Mexican Cauliflower “Rice.” I missed queso a little bit, but let me tell ya — this healthy alternative to traditional TexMex was so legit.

Continue reading Healthier Chicken Enchiladas and Mexican Cauliflower “Rice”

Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken + The Importance of Lunch

Let’s talk lunch. I feel like it doesn’t get the love it deserves, and 99% of my most recent posts have been about pancakes and sweets. (Go figure.) Time for a topic change!

Lunch is a really easy meal to overlook. When mid-day hits, you understandably want a break — which usually means running down to the office cafeteria for a sandwich or grabbing something from a nearby restaurant with coworkers. I’ve seen LOADS of research claiming that not eating at your desk is a must-do thing. Based on past experiences, I tend to disagree with this theory. (So do both my waistline and bank account.) Here’s why: Continue reading Slow Cooker Salsa Chicken + The Importance of Lunch