Tag Archives: healthy chinese recipe

Guilt-Free Orange Chicken + Leg Day Circuit

I’m back from vacation! I spent most of last week (Monday-Thursday) in Playa del Carmen soaking up a little too much sun and taking a much-needed break from my usual routine in celebration of Ryan’s birthday. We had a blast lounging on the beach, playing basketball in the pool, snorkeling, and indulging in the “all-inclusive” life for a short while. There was 6:30AM room service delivery, unlimited everything (margaritas, food — whatever we wanted, basically) a gorgeous golf course for Ryan to play, and an incredible spa for me to take advantage of, all on one of the most beautiful hotel properties I’ve ever seen (in pictures or in person). This was the view from our balcony and the small lobby below our room:


Breathtaking. I could’ve stayed for another 3 or 4 days, but I’m really glad to be back into my routine. Nothing was “off limits” while we were there — we had steak and lobster the first two nights, buffets, lots of wine, lots of tequila, and dessert every single night. Granted, the portions were far smaller than what most people are used to here in the states — I still was eating way more junk food than usual. I could definitely feel the impact on my body after day 1.

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