Tag Archives: eggs

GIVEAWAY! 1 Free Month of Unlimited Boot Camp + Make-Ahead Bacon and Egg Muffins

EXCITING NEWS, Y’ALL. I’m running another giveaway, and this prize beats the pants off of the Fit-Mas Giveaway that I did in December. No joke. If you live in the Austin area and want a free month of unlimited workouts at the place that motivated me to get my ass in gear and drop the weight, listen up!


If you’re familiar with my story, you’ll know that I credit a lot of my success to joining Synergy Fitness. If I hadn’t bought a Groupon and joined after my 6-week trial, I’d probably still be where I was a year ago — 50 pounds overweight, completely unhappy with myself, and severely lacking in the self confidence department. Ryan wouldn’t be almost 40 pounds lighter and as happy with himself physically as he is today. My family wouldn’t care about healthy eating in the way that they do now. This blog wouldn’t even exist. I’ve come a long way, and none of it would have happened if I hadn’t joined Synergy. Anyhow, Synergy has a rewards program for current members, and if you come to enough classes, you can earn a free month of camp (which is worth a lot of money). One of my VERY gracious fellow campers earned one as of yesterday, and she wants to give it away to one of YOU lovely readers. Janice, you’re a badass. (Everybody say thank you, Janice!)

Here are the details: Continue reading GIVEAWAY! 1 Free Month of Unlimited Boot Camp + Make-Ahead Bacon and Egg Muffins