Tag Archives: desserts

Pumpkin Spice Protein Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

It’s September. In my world, this means two extremely important things:

  1. Fall is right around the corner (even though the Texas heat makes this a little hard to believe)
  2. PUMPKIN. SEASON. (Insert shamelessly girly, annoying squeals of excitement here)

As soon as I realized both of these facts last week, I immediately caught a bad case of what I call the “baking bug,” which is a serious sweet tooth paired with the irresistible urge to fire up that oven, bust out a spatula, and make some delicious baked goods. Since I make servings on servings of baked oatmeal and muffins every single weekend, breakfast was out of the question. I wanted dessert. Cookies, specifically. Lots of ’em. And obviously, they needed to be pumpkin-based. Continue reading Pumpkin Spice Protein Cookies with Cream Cheese Frosting

Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

YOU GUYS. I did it. I made the easiest, healthiest, tastiest clean dessert in the world. If you like peanut butter and banana (like any sane person should, in my opinion) and have a blender or food processor in your kitchen, you need to try this TODAY.
Continue reading Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes