Tag Archives: cooking

Baked Sweet Potato Tater Tots

Happy Monday! Whether or not you celebrated Easter yesterday, I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend.

For me, yesterday was full of family, food, and a baby gender reveal (which obviously translates into “Best Easter EVER”). My big brother and his wife, Callie, are expecting their first little one in September. Before we dug into brisket, bacon green beans, and the rest of our delicious Easter lunch, they unveiled that we’ll be welcoming a new little girl into our family later this year. I’m so flipping excited to meet Piper, my niece, and you best believe I’ll be teaching her how to cook as soon as she’s old enough to hang with her Aunt Mackenzie in the kitchen! If any of y’all are superstar aunts, give me your tips. :o) I have no idea how this goes, but I’m thrilled about it. Continue reading Baked Sweet Potato Tater Tots