Tag Archives: clean thanksgiving dinner

Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe: Sausage Stuffing

Where do I even begin? Well, I’ll start with this: it’s been over a month since my last post, which is the longest I’ve gone without writing something since I started this blog more than a year ago. (My previous record was two weeks. Looks like I blew that one out of the water!) I could give every excuse in the book to tell you why I haven’t been posting — Ryan had back surgery, I’ve been focusing all of my spare time on cooking for friends, I was on business travel at a conference in Boston, work has been way busier than usual, blah blah blah — but it really doesn’t matter.

I woke up at 1:30AM today with my mind racing between random work-related stuff, new recipes I want to cook, what lifting routine I should do at 5AM, and all of the things I want to accomplish this weekend. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get my brain to shut up. Whenever this happens, I take it as a tell-tale sign that I need a creative outlet. Bad.

The reality is that I haven’t made time to write over the last 5 weeks. Other things have taken priority, and it wasn’t until I was in a conference session last week that I realized I was letting something important (writing) fall to the wayside because I “didn’t have time for it.” The topic of the session? Values. It was probably one of the most profound presentations I’ve ever listened to. Seriously. It applies to almost EVERYTHING in life. Continue reading Healthy Thanksgiving Recipe: Sausage Stuffing

Making a “Fat” Holiday Healthy: Planning a Clean Thanksgiving, Body Weight Workout, and Quick Fiesta Sweet Potatoes

I don’t know how it’s almost December already or why this week has been so damn busy.

Tuesday evening after boot camp, I called my big brother to see what the deal for Thanksgiving was. The only details I knew were that it was happening at his house, and around 15-20 people would be there. After a quick phone conversation, I somehow had ended up with meal planning AND cooking responsibilities. (Um… What?) Turkey day is in less than one week. I instantly spiraled into “OH SHIT, HOW AM I GOING TO DO THIS” mode. Continue reading Making a “Fat” Holiday Healthy: Planning a Clean Thanksgiving, Body Weight Workout, and Quick Fiesta Sweet Potatoes