Tag Archives: chocolate

No-Bake Valentine’s Day Protein Truffles + Pick A Powder, Any Powder

Chocolate overload week is upon us!! Don’t run. Don’t hide. Instead, make some protein truffles. (Be sure you top them with festive sprinkles.)

In honor of Valentine’s Day, one of my favorite coaches at Synergy (lookin’ at you, Mizpah!) asked me to make some protein balls forĀ  her campers. UM, OF COURSE I WILL BAKE DOZENS OF CHOCOLATE-COVERED GOODIES FOR FELLOW SFBC CAMPERS, especially because it means I get to lick the bowl and taste test during the process. Sign me up! (All of you early morning campers in Miz’s classes, let me know how you like these.) Continue reading No-Bake Valentine’s Day Protein Truffles + Pick A Powder, Any Powder

Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Waffles

Last week, I got asked to post more breakfast recipes. (Timely request considering that I’d just made the most DELICIOUS protein waffles in history.) So, you guys get back-to-back pumpkin recipes before Thanksgiving! This is what happens when I get asked to make and/or post specific things. I get a little too excited and tend to write more during my lunch hour at work. Continue reading Easy Chocolate Pumpkin Waffles

Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

YOU GUYS. I did it. I made the easiest, healthiest, tastiest clean dessert in the world. If you like peanut butter and banana (like any sane person should, in my opinion) and have a blender or food processor in your kitchen, you need to try this TODAY.
Continue reading Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

4 Favorite Fitness Apps/Gadgets + Reese’s FroYo Bites

Time for some tech talk (followed by a DELICIOUS dessert recipe). I get the “What have you been doing?” and “What have you changed?” questions on a daily basis — 3x at work yesterday afternoon alone — and I’m trying to pay more attention to the little habits that I’ve built in the last few months so that I can give a legit answer. I’d never noticed it before, but technology has played a huge part in keeping me on track to getting healthier. Continue reading 4 Favorite Fitness Apps/Gadgets + Reese’s FroYo Bites

Healthy(-ish) “Cookie-Faux” Peanut Butter Cups

Another ambitious recipe from Sunday. Can you tell I was a little bored? I came across several homemade “clean Reese’s” recipes on Pinterest last week. They looked so friggin’ good, and I really just wanted to go to the store and buy about 15 packages of Reese’s cups, but I decided to see if I could make my own instead. I bought a mini-muffin tin with a slew of mini-muffin paper cups last week, and I was itching to use them. (“Mini” might as well mean “extra cute” in my opinion. Plus, it’s instant portion control. Win-win.) Continue reading Healthy(-ish) “Cookie-Faux” Peanut Butter Cups