GIVEAWAY! 1 Free Month of Unlimited Boot Camp + Make-Ahead Bacon and Egg Muffins

EXCITING NEWS, Y’ALL. I’m running another giveaway, and this prize beats the pants off of the Fit-Mas Giveaway that I did in December. No joke. If you live in the Austin area and want a free month of unlimited workouts at the place that motivated me to get my ass in gear and drop the weight, listen up!


If you’re familiar with my story, you’ll know that I credit a lot of my success to joining Synergy Fitness. If I hadn’t bought a Groupon and joined after my 6-week trial, I’d probably still be where I was a year ago — 50 pounds overweight, completely unhappy with myself, and severely lacking in the self confidence department. Ryan wouldn’t be almost 40 pounds lighter and as happy with himself physically as he is today. My family wouldn’t care about healthy eating in the way that they do now. This blog wouldn’t even exist. I’ve come a long way, and none of it would have happened if I hadn’t joined Synergy. Anyhow, Synergy has a rewards program for current members, and if you come to enough classes, you can earn a free month of camp (which is worth a lot of money). One of my VERY gracious fellow campers earned one as of yesterday, and she wants to give it away to one of YOU lovely readers. Janice, you’re a badass. (Everybody say thank you, Janice!)

Here are the details:

The giveaway starts NOW and goes until 11:59PM CST on Wednesday, February 5. You’ve got TWO WEEKS, people.

  1. If you haven’t already, sign up to follow my blog by entering your email address in the top right part of this page. I won’t spam you — pinky swear. You’ll just get an email any time I post a new recipe (which is usually once or twice each week).
  2. Minimum entry: tell me your favorite recipe that I’ve posted to my blog in the comments below. ANY recipe, breakfast/lunch/dinner works — I just want to know what you people like most!
  3. Extra entries: Click here and follow the instructions to get more entries!
    3a. 5 extra entries — Share a link to this post on Facebook and leave a comment below with a URL to the shared post (so I know you’re not trying to fool me)
    3b. 10 extra entries (if you’re the ambitious type) — Make a dish and post it to Instagram (tag me: @mackenzie8907) or Facebook using the hashtag “#mcerecipe” — comment below with your IG/FB username and tell me what you made! I’ll verify the extra submissions once the contest closes.
    3c. 1 extra entry: Like the Synergy Fitness Austin Facebook page (do it through the link up there ^^)

NOTE: This prize is only available to people who are NOT current members of SFBC. The free month will go to a non-member, but that doesn’t mean that all of you current SFBC-goers can’t help get the word out about this awesome giveaway. If you’re already a member and have a friend that you’d like to drag along with you to boot camp, send them a link to this post, or share it on Facebook via the Share button below (at the VERY bottom of this post) and tag me+the Synergy Fitness Austin FB page! :o)   SPREAD THE WORD!

Make-Ahead Bacon and Egg White Muffins

Now that the REALLY exciting part is done, I’ll move onto something a little less thrilling (unless you’re really into eggs) and more tasty. I did something groundbreaking with my meal plan this week. I changed my breakfast routine. DUN DUN DUN.

If you’ve looked at any of my previous meal plans, you’ll know that I normally keep my breakfasts/lunches pretty simple during the week and reserve my creativity for making fancy dinners and desserts. Between getting up at 6:30am, walking Bailey, getting dressed, walking to work, and being there from 9am-5pm each day, it’s hard to spice things up in the breakfast and lunch departments. For the last 6 months, my weekday breakfast has always consisted of scrambled eggs with vegetables, bacon, avocado, PB Ezekiel toast, and sometimes fruit. It’s a routine that I’ve nailed down to the millisecond, and I know exactly how long it takes to cook and eat everything. Bailey even gets her own slice of fresh bacon out of it. (Spoiled dog.) BUT, this week, I decided to switch it up and use one of the breakfast recipes that I’ve included in my mom’s meal plan that she’s absolutely raved about. I present to you the easiest breakfast that I’ve ever prepped:20140122-161356.jpgI made a dozen of these on Sunday during my weekly meal prep escapade, and I finished off the batch this morning. I’ll be making more tonight to finish out the week because I loved them so much. I get to sleep in an extra 20 minutes and don’t have to clean any pans in the morning. It’s pretty amazing.

Nutritional Overview (per muffin)

Calories: 60
Carbs: 2
Fat: 2
Protein: 7

Serves: 12 muffins
Cook time: 25 minutes

  • 3 cups egg whites
  • 6 pieces bacon
  • 1/2 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 cup chopped bell peppers
  • 1 cup chopped spinach
  • Salt
  • Pepper
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and lightly spray a muffin tin with cooking spray
  2. Toss your bacon into the microwave and cook completely (I did 2-minute increments, but this will vary depending on your microwave’s power). Remove and let cool
  3. Pour 1/4 cup egg whites in each tin
  4. Top egg whites with a little bit of salt and pepper. Feel free to add additional seasonings here — I’m sure a little cayenne pepper, garlic powder, or Mrs. Dash would taste great, too!
  5. Sprinkle about 1/2-1tbsp of chopped spinach on top of the seasoned egg whites
  6. Add about 1/2 tbsp chopped onion (or however much you prefer)
  7. Add about 1/2 tbsp chopped bell pepper on top (again — add more/less here depending on your taste for bell peppers)
  8. Crumble one slice of bacon and split the crumbles in between two compartments. Each muffin should contain about 1/2 slice of crumbled bacon. Repeat this step until your bacon is gone
  9. Throw your muffin tin into the oven (just kidding, don’t literally throw it) and let these bake for about 20 minutes. They’ll puff up into giant egg muffins toward the end of the cooking time, but they WILL deflate during the cooling process
  10. Once the muffins have cooled, divide them out into appropriately-portioned bags for each breakfast throughout the week. (I eat a lot, so I had 4 each morning along with some toast or oatmeal.)

PERFECT breakfast, and it only takes about a minute to warm up during the week! Considering that pre-made breakfast means about 20-30 minutes longer in bed each morning, I’ll be eating these until my taste buds get tired of them.

12 thoughts on “GIVEAWAY! 1 Free Month of Unlimited Boot Camp + Make-Ahead Bacon and Egg Muffins”

  1. The turkey and quinoa stuffed pepper is a favorite of mine and I’ve made it a few times. Always filling.

  2. I have tried many of you recipes and haven’t found one that wasn’t great but recently the buffalo chicken bites were amazing especially with super bowl this last weekend!

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