Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes

YOU GUYS. I did it. I made the easiest, healthiest, tastiest clean dessert in the world. If you like peanut butter and banana (like any sane person should, in my opinion) and have a blender or food processor in your kitchen, you need to try this TODAY.

Last night, I was just getting over feeling pretty terrible for the entire day (something made it’s way around our team at work), and I was craving a “cheat” meal without all of the bad stuff that usually comes with it. We decided to spend Friday night propped up on the couch with a movie. Domino’s or CPK takeout would have been the dinner of choice 6+ months ago, but instead of ordering something unhealthy, I opted to make my own clean version.

Solution: BBQ chicken pizza with cauliflower crust and PB2 banana chocolate ice cream. Yeah, you read that correctly. We had dessert first (which was a GREAT choice).

PB2 Banana Chocolate Ice Cream

Nutritional OverviewClean Banana PB2 Ice Cream
Calories: 171
Fat: 3.1
Carbs: 34.8
Protein: 7.1

Serves: 2
Cook time: 3min (active) + 10min (freezing)

– 2 frozen bananas
– 2 tsp unsweetened cocoa powder
– 4 tbsp PB2
– 2 tsp unsweetened almond milk

Optional additions:
– 1 tsp Xanthan Gum (thickening agent)
– flavored liquid Stevia (I used about 3 drops each of butterscotch and dark chocolate)
– 2 tbsp light whipped cream
– dark chocolate and/or peanut butter chips (I used both… Fat kid at heart, here)


  1. Peel and freeze 2 bananas until completely frozen. MAKE SURE YOU PEEL THEM BEFORE FREEZING. I didn’t. My hands really regretted that decision and I’m pretty positive I almost got frost bite trying to peel already-frozen bananas. It sucked.
  2. Place all ingredients (except whipped cream and chocolate/peanut butter chips) in a food processor or blender. Pulse until smooth
  3. Scoop out “ice cream” with an ice cream scooper and place into 2 small bowls. If your mixture is a little more liquidy than ice cream normally is, pop the bowls in the freezer for 10-15 minutes
  4. Top with desired toppings and consume

Easy, vegan, healthy, and DELICIOUS. What more could anyone want in a dessert? Nothing. Nothing at all.

2 thoughts on “Clean Ice Cream: 4 Ingredients, 5 Minutes”

  1. Ha I have definitely made the mistake in Step 1 before! I’m not a big banana fan so I usually make my frozen treats from greek yogurt (there is a recipe on pinterest for choc chip cookie dough greek fro yo that is amazeballs) but I think I might have to give this one a try!!

    1. I’m doing the Greek version this week (only if I decide to NOT make cheesecake bites… Still debating)! I made clean cookie dough a few weeks ago and it was AMAZING. If you don’t like bananas, this might not be your favorite, but my trainer told me about some protein ice cream that HEB sells. I’m totally buying it next time I go grocery shopping.

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