Pumpkin Protein Pancakes

I was feeling ambitious on Sunday morning. It was the first day of fall, the weather was amazing, I woke up well-rested after sleeping in until 9:15, and I had another pancake craving. DUN DUN DUN. What’s a health-minded girl to do? Not go to IHOP; that’s for damn sure.

My trainer sent out a Pumpkin Pancake recipe on Friday morning, and I decided to try it out. I whipped together the first batch of batter as the email instructed, but I decided to start over after making the first pancake. I think it’s virtually impossible for me to follow another person’s recipe to a T without changing anything up. I ALWAYS have to modify and give my own spin on anything I cook. ;)

I ate this for brunch at around 11:15am and wasn’t hungry for the rest of the day. This is very filling on its own. You could probably split this into two servings if you have someone to share with.


Nutritional Overview
Calories: 470
Carbs: 48
Fat: 4 (Yes, only 4 grams for the entire recipe… Not a typo)
Protein: 56 (… That’s not a typo either)

Serves: 1-2 (yields about 3-4 large pancakes)
Cook time: 25 minutes

Pancake Ingredients:
– 6 egg whites (about 1 1/4c. liquid measure)
– 1/4c. canned pumpkin (NOT “canned pumpkin pie” or “pumpkin puree”)
– 1/2c. oat flour (OR just take 1/2c. rolled oats and grind them up in a food processor… Same thing, but cheaper)
– 1 tsp. baking powder
– 2 tsp. vanilla
– 1 scoop vanilla protein powder
– 1/4c. Stevia (or more, if you want it sweeter)
– Pumpkin spice (to taste; I used about 1-2 tsp.)
– Cinnamon (to taste; I used about 2 tsp.)

Pumpkin Spread (Topping) Ingredients:
– 1/4c. nonfat Greek yogurt
– 1/4c. canned pumpkin
– 1/4c. Stevia (or more… Try it out and see if it’s sweet enough and add from there if necessary)
– Pumpkin spice (to taste; I used about 1-2 tsp.)


  1. Whip egg whites until soft peaks start to form. This is SUPER important. If you don’t whip the egg whites first, your pancakes will taste like straight up eggs and won’t be as fluffy. Nobody likes a non-fluffy pancake. (Pro tip: If you don’t have a Kitchenaid or other good stand mixer/whisk attachment, put your beaters in the freezer for 15 minutes and/or add a tiny bit of raw sugar to help with this step)
  2. Mix in all other pancake ingredients, one at a time, on low-medium until combined (NOTE: If batter seems too dry or chunky, add a little more egg white to thin it out. If it’s too liquidy, add more protein powder.)
  3. Heat up a pan or griddle over low-medium (I set mine at 4) and spray with cooking spray
  4. Pour out about 1/4-1/2c. batter to make pancakes and flip once bubbles start to form on top
  5. In a separate bowl, mix together topping ingredients until fully combined and spread over each pancake
  6. Top with sugar free syrup (seasonal orange sprinkles are optional) and dig in!

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